Winter Solstice Gathering

La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology
22500 Rue La Terre, Kiln, MS.
December 17-18, 2016

The Winter Solstice Gathering will be held at La Terre Institute, on 87 wooded acres on Bayou La Terre, near Dedeaux, MS. It is 67 miles (70 minutes) from the center of New Orleans. Participants who plan to stay overnight should bring food, a tent, personal items and a flashlight. We will supply food for the Saturday evening group meal and some participants can stay in the cabin. There is no cost for this event. Participants are welcome to volunteer for future trail work, building, and other projects. We would like to have an idea of how many will participate in the Saturday sessions, so please email surregionalist@bellsouth.net to register or for further information.

Saturday Schedule

Noon Arrival and Introductions
1:15 Guided Meditation & Council Ceremony (James Inabinet) To become intimate and “integral” with a place, one must begin to dream the dream of that place. To dream such a dream, we might best begin with the dreams of its myriad beings, a taste of their lives, their songs, their dances, their waking dreams among the bluffs and creek ripples, among the arms of beech and pine, among the leaf mold and dirt:  the hooded warbler, the deer, the raccoon, the squirrel, the cypress.  We will begin this “integralizing” with a guided meditation: “The Dream of La Terre.” The meditation will culminate with a council ceremony.
3:30 Yoga & Meditation for Presence and Renewal (Megan Kelley) A restorative and contemplative stretch session for connecting mind, body & spirit with the healing benefits of nature. Celebrate and welcome in the season of Winter through the setting of intentions, traditional yoga asanas and a relaxing, guided meditation focused on union with the present moment.
4:45 Solstice Readings & Reflections (John Clark & Group) Each person is asked to read briefly from a favorite text or something of their own, or say a few words relevant to the seasons, to cycles of life and rebirth, and to the relationship between the Earth and the human community.
6:00 Natural Dreamwork (Kezia Vida) A unique approach to dreams that harnesses the transformative and healing power of dreams as a doorway to your subconscious. From there we’ll participate in a short dream visioning journey to help us focus on the central tools and strategies we’ll need for a year of compassion, commitment, and integrity. 
7:15 Dinner We will meet at the main house for dinner. We will have several large pots of food plus drinks, and we hope that participants will bring other contributions to this common meal.
9:00 Bonfire We will meet on the slope behind the cabin around the fire circle. We hope that participants will bring musical instruments and other means to continue the celebration.

Sunday Schedule

There will be no formal schedule for Sunday. The day will be devoted to conviviality, informal discussions, hiking, and spontaneous activities.